operation guard duty
woot!! at last.. i am back home after a 24hr stint in camp..doing guard duty.wA.. don't know how to say.. its tiring. really tougher standards in compared to
commando's camp.. haha.. from e start i kena kan(scolded) alot.. haha cause i
super blur. everything also need people to tell me wat to do..and e most hated
guy there Zyed.. (whom many call him a gayish kao bei guy.. super guai lan..)
kept giving me attitude at 1st.. nvm.. i sucked it up. but aft afew hours.. i was
getting used to it.. (but still got some cock up somewhere..)haha.. they seldom
scold me for nuthing le.. itwas good la.. that e RP,guard com and guard 2 are so
nice.. trying to help us out.. and many atimes, cover for us..
we kena a total of 1 turn out,2 stand-to, and 1 staff parade.. think its kinda shit la..
cause they feel that we do not have e sense of urgency.. wat e heck lo..
we are all v v tired le aft friday de pt... now still want us to be at our
peak is kinda demanding.. but we tried our best la..
being a sentry was alot o fun at 1st.. carrying the rifle and e walkie talkie..

i feel like i am incharge.. "sentry to guard 2,incoming vehicle.."....haha..
then at e desk, manning e counter was also fun.. cause can see diff kinda ppl..
and really trains alot of my PR skills indirectly, cause i am juz doing e
things like anyother receptionist in hotels..but am in army camp la.. haha..
the friends there were really fun! haha.. e guard 2 and gurad com were impressed
by our swift response and our high kneeling.. they say we commandos do
these real well.. haha.. kuo jiang kuo jiang.. =D
resting time is e time that we really relax.. really really sleep.. haha.. the
so called knock-out.. really juz gor.. and u will hear ZZzzZZZzz...
its really tiring..
but its fun.
cause we are working in a team..
lets keep up e good work people..
saturday is gone.. today is sunday..
wanna see dear now!
am feeling excited again.. haha.
dear i miss ya!
dear dear dear...
pengyong: wilco out!
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