Saturday, December 10, 2011

just gave granny the mthly kopi lui (coffee money)
and she was as usual, elated.

just to put this down on record, the below conversation
i have with granny.

granny: how is work?
py: i like my job. ya my boss is an ang moh. he is very nice.
granny: so he speaks ang moh?
py: ya he does, very fast, cannot catch sometimes. slowly
getting used to it.
granny: I also worked for an english man before. that was
way back in 1969.
py: wao, so long ago.
granny: har nor. he also speak very fast. worked for him for
2 years. he also working while i working for him. after 2 years
they went back to england. SGD$150 for one month of work.
i happy until wanna die(direct translated from hokkien). haha
he's a good man.
py: haha.. har nor.
granny: guan yin pu sa bao yu peng xiong.. gong zuo shun shun
li li. ni man man chi (slowly eat the packet of bee hoon she bought
for me)


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