these past few rushed days..

alright, a delayed blog entry on these few days happenings =D
last Sunday, 6/4/08

woke up early in the day and went to prepare for the annual 'ching ming jie'
, went to the cemetry to shao mu. this is the season where all the uncles that
i dun see often and my relatives suddenly gather together to complete a
task, going to the 5 locations, paying respect and praying to our ancestors'
monument. it was a really hot day, so everybody was juz trying to keep their
cool, and tried to finish their task as soon as possible. the elders were always
talking about the lottery numbers and stuff like tt, and it amuses everyone..
haha.. guess its the ice-breaker for the gen x ppl! haha.. oh ya, my father
picked up $70 in the cemetry.. wasn't a good place to pick it up. and my dad
went to buy 4-d with all the cash. nv tio la.. but at least it felt good to pick up
such a sum of $$. (Bet the person that lose it must be super pissed..)
later in the evening, our family went to "chom chom" @ serangoon garden.
later in the evening, our family went to "chom chom" @ serangoon garden.
its a place where u can easily find good food after good food in the whole
establishment. i have been eating there since i was young, so this isn't exactly
a new place to me.. but it feels good to get back there after such a long time =D
dad had a car on sunday, and these were made possible by the vehicle. haha..
dad had a car on sunday, and these were made possible by the vehicle. haha..
wonder when i will pass my TP exam and get a vehicle.. ha..
Monday, 7/4/08

woa.. today was a day that i basically slacked.. juz like saturday.. but i was studying
abit on M9 in preparation for the exam on tuesday. but hey.. i also remembered that
i had 7tix, tickets for an s-league match on that evening. called the guys in my class
and most of them replied with a positive answer. yay!! and i was so excited to be the
organizer again.. went on to meet the guys at Jurong east train station. The good
ppl that turned up, Nelson;Yann liang; Zhong ren; Adam and me! haha.. the 5 of us
went on to have dinner at LJS. Yann Liang bought a bag that costs if i remembered it
correctly, $67. haha.. it was rather expensive for a backpack. but he said it is of good
quality, "yi fen qian, yi fen huo". alright i believe u. haha.. but the bag looks good la. no
doubt bout tt. after dwelling at jurong east for an hour, we went to jurong east stadium
via train to lakeside. the s-league match between alberix nigiita and tampines rovers
was so exciting la.. there were juz so many goals (ended with a 6-1 win for tampines) and
so many pretty girls.. so many japs.. haha.. dun u love them.. the cutesy jap girls.. wanna
juz hug one of them.. maybe setting up a free hug station at the stadium is a good idea..
haha.. the uncles at the south stands(no shelter area) were seriously funny la..
they kept telling the china import called qiu li to go back to china to farm.. and joked about
the keh long japanese keeper.. i believe the uncles won alot.. from their facial expression.
wish them luck.. +D After the match we went back str home.. wondering when we
can have such an outhing again. haha..
tuesday, 8/4/08

its another of the typical exams day.. i didn't sleep well the previous night, because i
was revising m9 again.. again... haha.. but i did managed to sleep on the sofa la.. my
sofa is the best.. can always double as my secondary bed! haha.. in the afternoon,
1230pm, i went to suntec city to take the exam again. i was late, but managged to
catch up with the rest. i did all the qns with my best knowledge.. and the dear computer
pitied me i guess..(cause i failed 3 times alr).. haha.. i passed!! hahaha
i was overwhelmed with happiness.. haha.. but couldn;t show it.. xing xiang la.. need
to be steady one..haha.. peggy called and i told her about it. both eric and peggy were
both happy about it.. they have been supporting my financially and i really thank them
for the opportunity.
after all the exams, i went to meet my army friends, Junhan; Zhi Heng; Christopher;
Joshua and Jamie. haha... this was a gathering cum birthday celebration for me. and
yes! i got my first present for my birthday! a cuff-link. haha.. u know those button things
that u put on the sleeve button holes on the long sleeve shirts? haha.. it is my first time
getting this kinda gift, so i am really happy about it. haha.. basically, chris told me
that my apprearnce needs a serious make over.. i need to wear something more presentable
and also learn how to dress up for work. haha.. i look so 'lork kork' with my slippers berms
and tee shirt. haha.. alright i get it. =D
we had dinner at ajisen ramen and it was a great meal.
alright i am super shag le, tml still gotta go sch group study. haha..
wish me luck.
jia you daughter!
oh ya.. thanks for tagging mich!~ and i still owe daughter, u, an email.. always forgot. haha
will send u soon. hope can chat with jas too. long nv chat le.
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