Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Long Wednesday..

Today's a good Wednesday, cause
firstly, i completed a season of PES6!! haha..
And erm.. i did a good two hours of driving.
Though seriously i nearly bang into two person as i did not see
those two approaching the zebra crossing.
i will try to put them all in my mind, so that these incidents will
not happen again, cause repeating these mistakes means i will
fail my tp, driving practical exam. =X gotta jia you. got like afew
more sessions. parking wise i am fine.. not much problem, just
need to be real sharp.
jia you!

Tommorow will be Ms Miao Xian's birthday celebration!
i am so excited, cause at last all of us can go out together again.
Just chatted with Sandra, hope she is feeling better after these
two days of ranting to me. haha.. Jia you! Go ahead! Go take a
break! But do remember safety yea, take care of urself, cause
.. well.. obviously u must be fine b4 u can continue doing all ur
design works! Jia you!

Lyon and Jing Huan!! Tml is ur last paper, think by this time that
u are reading my blog entry, u should have already done with the
exam already. Let's not talk about how it is, just wanna know that
u have tried ur best and have no regrets, am i right? =P
If u are, then i congratulate u, =D if not, jia you and make sure all
the subsequent testes and exams, u will try ur best to get the best
results =P Give it ur best shot the next time. As long u are alive,
you will fight on yea! =P

Been reading up on children's learning problems due to natural birth
and also due to environment. I don't like to put the stigma of a word
like "Disabled" on their condition. Because kids are full of potential eh?
They are full of enthusiasm about life, and they are the product of well
.. heartily love or, if u will like it.. physical expression of love!
They are born into this world by the love of their parents, nomatter
how bad the kids are, they are lovely. They just need abit more guidance
from adults like us that have a certain level of understanding of what
is right and wrong. Alittle more care and love, alittle more opportunities
and alot of energy on their part! Nomatter what, i refuse to believe that
this world is sadded(alvin's word that i added into my own vocab).
I want to close my eyes, open my ears, lossen up my soul and start to
feel that love that is everywhere in this world. U just need a bit more
effort. . . to feel it. The little things in life is easy to ignore. but the best
things in the world is sometimes packed in small packages, in the most
insignificant packaging, and can only be felt with your heart. . . . . . . . .

God bless all that is in Myannmar who is starving, battling with diseases,
drained both mentally and physically. Its not god that is abandoning u.
Don't blame god, i also dunno wat i am saying, but i believe ur prayers will
be answered. Jia you!
God please bless those that are buried under the rabbles in the earth quake
hit area of Si Chuan, China. It is really heart breaking to see fellow chinese
crying for help and yearning to survive in the most dire situation.
Tears just started to flow down my cheeks when i listened to the youtube
newscast from cctv5 about the rescue effort to get those kids, out of those
darn rabbles. Fuck.. it happened when it was about to end school. FUck fuck
fuck. I feel so frustrated after listening to Wen Jia Bao says that it is tough
even to try to send troops into ground zero. More people are dying with
the passing seconds. Just as u are reading my blog now, look at ur watch,
the ticking seconds, thats the ticking survival timer for the ppl under the
rabbles. fuck. i am frustrated.

I refuse to believe that all these are fate too.

I hope more ppl will be saved.

And hopefully, the parents that lost their child. Jia you!!!

People, please pray for them. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am no christian, but i believe god exists. So just pray, he/she will answer
u. Som pa!

Oh ya, jas!! Finished downloaded the super rookie alr. so jia you for ur studies
yea. will go on and download others tml. +D guess will send by sat or sun.
Jia You for exams!



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