Afew things i am happy and happy to share with everyone!
1) We have a great semester ahead! In terms of what we are learning
and in terms of the challenges ahead.
2) There was a CNY class gathering at my place today. the last day of jan'09
I thoroughly enjoyed it! Poker all the way. lost $13, but this is nothing in
compared to the friendship and time spend together.
3) I found the jan'09 edition of Reader's digest! After a week of hunting.
It features the philanthrophic efforts of Hollywood Superstar Mr. Jet Li.
4) Man Utd won Everton 1-0 to go 5 points clear on top of the EPL!!
Special thanks to Zhong Ren, bro, for telling me the webby to catch it!
5) I think i've found myself back.
Oh and this Youtube vid, wanna share with all -->
By Singapore's very own Olivia Ong.
Good Sunday to all!
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Previous Posts
- Hey it's thursday!Was a good day. I have yet to fi...
- 7 pounds
- I was just burning my videos i d/l-ed onto dvdsand...
- Late post! Job Interview later at 3pm!!
- I have nothing.Lost my directions again. Holland-e...
- Sometimes it's contradicting what i want in life u...
- 1/1/09 2:52am
- thoughts again.. feel irregular these days. . .
- Putting things into perspective.. I totally screwe...
- There are so many things that i need to better mys...
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The or
Things that are currently on my mind now..'071)uni admission..still waiting for rmit's confirmation on my accounting degree course.either that or i will take up life sciences or mass comm.
2)work! haha.. need a work after i ord on NOV 5th.(hope i can get the cold storage christmas order job).
3)ps3! been playing it pretty much.. haha.. need to go read up my newsweek(s) and jog! ha...
4)eh..share-on team, dunno how sharon and the team is doing..hope to catch up with them soon..
7)taekwondo, dunno whether i should go practice hard for my dan2 next year or not.. and to improve my sparring..
8)well... juz catching up with friends..
Things needa do and on my mind 08!
9)staying in school if need be to finish my assignments
10)take more photographs!
11)start to write in chinese and english everyday~! haha..
12)learn how to play "Our Song 1" on guitar! thanks jh!
13)run a half marathon and a full marathon!
14)finance my lappy! and also my education.(trying out smu after first sem)
15)do my best in my role to make OD a success
16)national bronze(tkd)->Did not take part
17)YVIP'08 comm if possible.
18)get my insurance license
19)do my best TO make YV'08 a success, esp the attachment part!
20)try ta run every morning!
21)get my driving license come march 6th!-got it on may 27th!
22)Successfully develop Share-On Welfare Organization's System of Governance.
23)Complete Army Half Marathon! 24/8/08
24)Final sem results for Sem2 2HD, 2DI.
25)Complete Standard Chartered Marathon! 7/12/08
26)Owe Zhing a bday meal, Lyon a meal for that bet on Alvin.
27)Worked in cafe cartel, and want to work in another job after that.
My To-Do list in year 2009
28)Get my GPA up to 3.5 by the end of the year.PS->End up only maintain gpa at 3.2 haa
29)Start to sleep earlier and wake up earlier for my morning exercises.
30)Pass Ippt with silver.
31)Run and complete Army Half Marathon and Standard Chartered Marathon 2009.
32)Go for an overseas trip, be it backpacking or O-CIP. PS->I went as far as malaysia's custom haa
33)Fight for Share-On Welfare Organization to build it's own centre.PS->Gave up on SHOT,it's ideals
34)Learn to cook up a FULL dinner course.PS->Done tt over x'mas gathering at Serangoon with YLF!
35)Set up SIM-CSC if opportunity arises.PS->Going to materialize in 2010(refer to NYRESOLUTION 2010
36)Find a job and start working and saving up money for my goals in life.
New Year Resolution & To Do List 2010
37)To set up SIM Social Work Club.
38)Maintain GPA @ 3.2. Aim for GPA 3.5
39)To help 24 person.(/strike>
40)Practise TKD and get NCAP lvl 1 Theory. Run SCM & AHM + 1 other event. Pass Ippt. Learn Swimming.
41)Learn Malay Language & Japanese Language.
42)Follow my Loan Repayment Scheme.
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