Yesterday was a really fun day.
haha.. i guess sometimes when i'm open minded and do whatever
that comes my way with, again, an open mind. The rewards are
without a doubt, intriguing.
I felt all motivated to again study and mug hard. Think it's all those
late nights preparing for my testes and project works.
It has really taken a toll on my bio-clock.
been waking up, without fail, at 12pm+ everyday.
Pretty much cause i go to sleep at 4am+ everyday.
So yea.. these past week where i started to mug because there
are testes and projects to rush.. it's a blessing.
Cause finally i've got my momentum back.. haha.. (what an excuse..ha.)
I can't say i did exactly well, but it's a good start.
Anyw back to yest..
Went to school to mug..
Met up with Dickson to help him out in his portfolio in the evening,
he's going to go for a scholarship from MDA!!
haha. My room became a makeshift photo theatre for Dickson.
He took some photos of the Gundam.
Haha.. it was amazing! haha..
Not the photos.. but his desire and drive! You can almost feel it when
you're looking at how hard he is working to get the scholarship.
haha.. i have never tried to apply for a scholarship before, so it's for me,
an interesting experience =)
Jia you Bro!
Will pray for you and hope u can get it! =D
Today's company law day! haha..
Oh oh, and i managed to clock a 40 mins work out session today.. haha..
Gotta pass my ippt ar! =D
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