Today marks the end of the exams for this sem!
It wasn't exactly a masterpiece answer that i had presented to
the examiners, so i am not expecting to get hd...
But i am keeping my fingers crossed for a credit/distinction.
Tml going to Si Ma Lu to pray and pay my respects to Guan Yin Ma.
Hopefully I can get a decent grade for this sem.. =)
Not forgetting that this coming week is A Levels!
Lyon, Alvin, Jing Huan is going to take their exams, JIA YOU!! BEST LUCK!!
Gonna pray for u 3 tml too. =)
Anyone got anything to tell Guan Yin Ma, just sms me, I will convey the message
to her at no service charge tml. haha.. While stocks last!
Hmm.. again.. the after exam syndromne. Hmm.. i feel rather empty and
so energetic(high*) .. haha.. I wanna do so many things, so many thoughts.
Just some really basic things that i wanna do this coming sem and for this
year end..
Firstly, i think i need to be regain my discipline..
This semester has been kinda tough, because i needed to really find time to study
and mug really hard, last minute. Partly because i am working and i find it
hard to find time to be discipline in revising my work consistenly.
Therefore i felt tt i am so behind others in almost all aspects of this semeseter,
be it project work (which XL and ZH and YL really contributed alot..), test,
exams.. i was ill prepared. Time management and the motivation to see through
all that is planned in the time management stage to me is critical for next sem.
Discipline, as i found out, is something that needs some form of scarifice to be
at it's best form. Ie. i need to forgo watching tv to wash my clothes, i need to
forgo gg to sleep and do my work at the macdonals.
I've always told myself, self-psycho myself "that i will chiong tonight, nomatter
what", end up i am on the other side of the room, lying on my bed telling myself,
it was really a tough day.. i deserve a rest. Knowingly resting when i know i am
definitely putting my school work at a standstill. This is a fact and it happened
throughout the semester. And it is a failure on my part to actually rectify it.
But the trip here at serangoon helped me tremendously in getting that focus
and discipline back, even if little as it is, i can feel that i have aligned myself back
to optimal capacity. I do not want to lose this pace when i have gotten so far to
get it. I always believed in the 21 days rule to a habit.
I have been here since the start of october, hence it is almost a month i am here.
and thats certainly more than 21 days. But maybe i need to believe in the secondary
thought on this.. "after the 21 days makes a habit, the next 21 days concrete a habit."
Thats that goal i currently have. to stay at this pace from now on.
Secondly, and about today, this morning i was talking to my dad about the different
mentalities of the older generation(dad) in compared to the younger generation(me).
It was a debate of the facts. Therefore we were forthcoming in our thoughts.
From our conversation, i picked up after key learning points that i thought i could
bring with my for the rest of my life. (i) You do not need to be a genius at the start
to produce genius results. -Basically that means we do not need to be borned with
special innate talents and abilities to be doing well in life. Yes those with such blessings
will move ahead in life earlier because they are talented, but it does not mean that
we are worse off. Yes, i agree that at the start the difference is apparent. But the
production of genius results for "less talented" people like me, will need to come from
the sheer hardwork and experience garnered in the life that we went through.
Actually it could be a blessing in disguise that i am not that geniuslically created.
It means that i will experience more pain and obstables, and that will further
mould me into someone that is resilient and hardworking, always looking to go
ahead in life. Partly that is why i have a very strong work ethic and energy level.
Because i know i cannot compete with people who are smarter than me head on.
But given time, i'm also going to produce the results they produce.
(ii) Older Generation felt the agony of being poor, hence explaining the strength
in character that they potray. "The never say die spirit." It was this video i watched
on CNA that featured MM LKY having a dialogue with NUS students. He said,"the
past generation felt the pain of being poor, they did not take things for granted like
your generation, they had nothing, and that is precisely why they succeeded."
So am i suppose to be poor now, to feel the pain, and thus will give me the NATURAL
MOTIVATION to go to achieve excellence in whatever i do? I beg to differ.
This feeling of being poor, is a very natural element of motivation to make someone
strive harder, fight harder for whatever they want in life. Ie. if u got no food today,
u will feel hungry, u will go find food, by hook/crook you will find it. So there is
a basic need, and comes desperation, which ends up with a desire to work hard.
This basic need for our generation is almost fulfilled, and thus i believe the only
way to create this ('poor')experience, is through one, family education, and two,
through self discipline and independence. And thats wat i am going to be teaching
my kids when they are young, to be independent and self sufficient, and being
discipline. I myself will be on it. too.
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