Today's e 1st day of May! (a.k.a Labour Day-i'm considered a labour too!)
April has been a great month!
+ I know i have the ability to close my accounts(work) in 3weeks!
~usually i take about 1 month
+ I kinda found enough energy to pull through 2 exam papers so far..
though i am still worried about the results bit, as always.. i am soo
focused on my last paper, Singapore Taxation! I wanna get HD!
+I had 3 "celebrations" for my birthday! One was a lunch bday outing
with mummy where i bought my own netbook, another was bday outing
cum movie marathon with Junyang, and last but the best was the
GREAT experience i had at 'the glasshouse-Fish&Co' with my classmates!
they are soooo nice~! Memorable bday! I received a letter from australia!
how cool is that! It is from jia yun! =D
April was a short month, because i feel that i was rushing my work
enjoying myself, and chionging exam with the limited time i have.
It was tiring, sweet, happy, dreamy and ambitious most of the time..
though there were times i was soo pissed and not myself!
For those times, i really apologise to everyone that was affected!
But i love my classmates! They are like the nicest ppl around!
I love the people around me too! I just love being around ppL!
today gotta mug real hard!
jia you!
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