Good Sunday Easter Day Py's Birthday MORNING!
It's pouring cats and dogs outside the comfort of my room
and the sky isn't as expected - sunny and air fresh.
haa.. nonetheless, it's still a great day! One thing, i
just 'lai chuang' until 830am, it's soo shuang i must
tell you.. i feel sooo fresh now =)
It's the passing of another checkpoint in life.
I'm 24 years old as of today.
What does being 24 years old entails? I personally do not
know, because there aren't alot of stigmatation/special expectation
that comes with this age.
I guess to me, this passing of age, is very encouraging.
For this past year, i only had one drastic heart aches to deal with,
i've recovered well,
i am getting better/skilled at my work,
i am beginning to feel like and being an adult,
i feel that people are beginning to see/approach me as an adult,
i am beginning to take on more responsibilities in my household,
i am packing my table and doing my bed and taking cared of myself,
i am dreaming of realistic dreams, not only that, and pursuing them,
i am closer to god and the teachings of buddha (i don't know if one day
i will need to make a choice btwn the two.. but this is the current state.)
This list is not exhaustive, but it gives u a picture of how much i have
grown - as a person, as a young adult, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
I am happy,
not because i have grown up in all aspects,
not because i have not stagnated,
not because i have more money because i am working..
I am happy,
because i have a loving and strong family(a strong foundation),
because i have a caring and energetic bunch of classmates and friends,
because i have a stronger belief and principle in living,
and most importantly i have given myself a chance in, yes.. living.
i guess u will have realised by now, the 'not exhaustive' list are the
results of, yes, my strong foundation, my friendships tied, my self
contruction of belief and priniciples, and the ultimate grace i had
given myself - by giving myself a chance to live. it's a big deal.
Thank you jiayun, for all the prayers - you've been the pillar of my life
for close to 3 months. Thank you huili, for reading my blog and telling
me what's really wrong and listening to my 'craps'. Thank you dickson
for the invitation to yesterday's and this month's christian events and
yes, being always there for me when i needed you most, never once did
u push me away. Thank you yann liang, for being one of the nicest person
on earth, always caring and looking out for me, and always jio-ing me to
soccer outings at zr's place haa. Thank you zhong ren, u've given me
another perspective in life, because i have never known a friend that
could balance many relationships so well, u're also a very pragmatic guy,
u rock! Thank you xin long, i am so blessed to have you as my classmate
and friend, you never fail to push me to my limits, sometimes when i am
so tired at work, and still have to do project work/attend classes, u
just gave us some weird and unthinkable scenarios using accounting
knowledge, it's funny and it brightens up the whole day, u're the best ya!
Thank you Penny, for your unduling laughter and innocent and pretty
looks. u're also v caring and friendly. Thank you kelly, u're at times
our da jie da, and i kinda envy u as u are married. Thank you, adam,
you are one of the nicest guys in class too, always workin hard and looking
out for us. Thank you miao xian and ka mei and el, great classmates and
i just think i owe u guys soo much. Thank you loy han marcus and all in
class. i love u guys!
I have tooo many ppl to thank. Again this list is not exhaustive.
May god bless everyone around me for this good year ahead!
And may god bless me,
give me strength, to carry on,
to do well in my coming exams and ippt.
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