I took leave from work today =)
Today is the start of my revision for exams. I am really looking forward to
it. ( refering to the exams).
Working hard!
I need to do at least 4 chapters of Accounting theory before i sleep today.
Well.. according to past experience, i am fully capable of doing more than
4 chapters. haha.. so i just got to keep at it, and hopefully! i will be able to
acheive that!
I really need to note down afew things in history..
Firstly, today's PAVI's Last day at work!!!!!!!!!! haha.. everyone is going to
have a send off party/lunch plus batam trip for pavi! and i am sooo
happy for her!! Argh!! i totally forgotten abou this event.. (goes to show
how forgetful and selfish i am.. all that was in my mind yesterday, was
to get leave today so that i could study for my exams!! Argh!! But i will
be missing pavi's sending party..... haix..................
nevermind. my heart is really with everyone. so yup! Have fun and
yes, pavi congratulations!! Hope u get a great job after this!!
Secondly, oh no, i reallllllyyyy pissed jy off.. i mean, what the hell was i
doing? hmmm.. haix.. i hope u don't read this post, or i will just
type more post on top of this post so that u will miss this blog post..
haix... yesterday at work, i was doing work and well.. it got quite jia
lat after i talked to my supervisor.. cause she said she will be passing
EVERYTHING to me.. really wash hand le.
So yea.. i was kinda stuck. because i needed to do sooo many things
that i have just procrastinated on.. and i made the wrong decision to
do the less urgent work first.. (cause less urgent work are usually
the easier ones..) i was rushing documents, preparing them to be
sent to the bank..and really i was in so many thoughts that time..
that i realllyyy forgot that i have asked u that qns.. i just kept asking
jy, "what are ya doing now? drama?" shitz..
even when i reached home.. i asked the same qns when i am eating dinner,
talking to mummy and chatting with u online.. i am terribly sorry.
I didn't mean to make u feel like u are insignificant and make u feel
that nobody cares about what u say.. cause i full well know i care.
I am really sorry. I will only get better. So hopefully.. u don't get
too upset over this. haix.. i am soo demanding.. and so forgetful.
btw, i've got a feeling i am really falling for ya.
Thirdly, yes! I failed my ippt! And the RT(Remedial training) window is
still not open! I am sooo screwed! I need to take it asap since i am still
fit.. mans.. how sia!! I am told to wait... but for how long?
I think the best solution now, is really to keep training,
get even better, and make sure i pass it after the 8 training sessions!
They're going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow and i am
just soooo touched about it.. though i never showed much emotions!
I kinda pissed guys off with my pissed off self last month..
and i guess u guys were just sooo nice, to really forgive me and
throwing me this belated bday bash! Thanks alot! Really
love u guys!
Lastly, i haven't went to temple yet! will do it by this
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