Saturday, December 24, 2011

I am sitting down on the floor, looking at the computer screen and thinking to myself... what am i missing? it ain't complete. it doesn't feel complete. i don't see a purpose in life again. and the last time when i encountered this feeling. i switched off my handphone and killed my facebook.

i looked at my handphone and its 2200hrs on a Christmas eve, a blessed day.

oh God, will you give me a purpose in life. or IS THIS my purpose in life.
i don't feel complete. and i don't know what is missing.
i have been thinking ike this everyday for the pass week.

WELL.. i get ideas here and there, i was watching national geographic and discovery channel on cable and i see man as crazy as me, building a machine that ENABLES a disabled war veteran in the states to move through rough terrain, so that he can go fishing like he used to. I see people exploring the wild and understanding and VISITING what Earth and God has created in this world >crossing a river -20degress naked and building a fire at the other end and laughing out loud >jumping off a plane, land and trek through crazy terrains and making diy elevated tents so as to prevent himself from being eaten by wild cats. >the duo that traveled around the world on a motor bike >the anthropologist that began a trek around the world and met people, talk to people, understand their unique way of life and record a most up-to-date history on these communities

it just WAOs me ALL THE TIME, these crazy adventures they take.

probably the answer is not as difficult or complex as i thought? not as unusual or crazy? or could it?


it was good seeing jy today again. a fleeting 6hrs meet up.
i miss your company quite abit.

godblessjiayun&safe trip! oh and what's a safe trip if its not fun! have fun!!!

Merry Chirstmas


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