a belt of thoughts

i always wanna tell jas after yesterday, in a really strong and decisive manner,
that i want to be a commando. and i will become one.
after sir interviewed me yesterday. he knew my problems and how i was feeling
and the things i am going through. he juz told me one thing, never fucking let
yourself down, even if u do, you muz know that you have tried your best.
this sent chills down my spine. it was my past belief. and i know he meant well.
he was trying to encourage me.
i was also know as e CSLC(not commando small team leader course), but
country singtel loyal customer. a nickname given to me by my bunk mates.
i was constantly on e phone. but i have to. cuz i dun wanna be late to reply.
will always stay at e corner between both e beds, and lie there. and wait for reply.
funny me. but i was juz trying my best. cuz she means alot to me.
oh ya, another joke. we are going to AHM(army half marathon) in months to come.
but my friends always say i will be one that will confirm win. AHM-Army Handphone marathon
haax.. thats how they see it. wahaha.. crazy buddies i have. but they are
juz being caring. =)

sir also point out somethings that i have to take note of.
as a commando to be. i will be getting my red beret soon. the red beret in a military
means elite airborne solider of e world. we are e elite, i am an elite.
imagine my sir saying that to me ppl.. haha.
i went like.. wa.. all along.. i have been taking pity of myself. of all the shit i am going
through in camp. it sucks like hell.. look at other of my friends.. they are
slacking while i am working so bloody hard. it sucks.
but to be e smallest population unit in the whole of SAF, and being at e same time
the best in e SAF, to wear that red beret. it means alot about this human being.
suddenly all my -ve feelings are eradicated.
i am going to be the best. going to be a better man. and a man that ppl will see and go
man.. he is not simple, he is somebody.
i am slowly getting rid of my soft spoken, unsensitive self. by being more expressive, and
observant. be more engaging all over again. these are my weaknesses.
i am getting stronger as e day passes.
there is one sir said that i will never forgot.he said->
"every night before you sleep, take ten minutes to see how you can do better and make
things better. go and reflect. and make decisions on how to change. dun be afraid. because
if you are, no one will be calm. be strong and things will get better. know your own weakness
and your strength. if u know you are not that clever, work doubly hard to get to where
those stronger are. sometimes i work so fucking hard, but i get 85%, but my fnd nv study
so much, get 95%. what can i say, they are cleverer la. thats all. i have tried my best. thats
that. cause u never let urself down. appreciate things, orelse when things are gone. you will
learn e lesson of appreciating things e hard way. for that, go sleep. tomorrow, will be better."
e above paragraph was quoted from wat he said. he talked for 43mins.
a real nagger, but a real inspirer.
i like you too jas.
you hate e burden feeling.
but is ignoring is not the best way.
i hope we can run it out tomorrow.
you will feel better.
and things will be better.
~love is not two person looking at each other, love is two person looking in the same direction.~
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