Monday, October 22, 2007

a talk after another..

a talk.. then came again.. after lunch another.. and when i am gg to rest, came another. they juz don't get it la.. or maybe, its me that don't get it... hmm.. i am refering to the topics on uni courses, future career, and future studies opportunities. these are big qns, big subjects, heavy chapters, to really think about it.. its a real headache, but a really interesting one. cause it opens up new windows, new perspective gained!
the talks of all these all started long ago.. after As.. after i enter ns.. and all my friends did.. and it always comes up. and now, i am staring it right in the face, cause i am gg to ord soon. hmm.. i have made my mind up to work hard, from the beginning in my accountancy degree(sim-rmit), and get the necessary work exp in my 2nd and 3rd year and the year after to attain my cpa aust. after that, i wanna get my masters, teach in poly part-time(or somewhere else) and also work full time in a company(haven't really set my sights on any yet..will do when i start studying)and save up for my phd in i hope(phor bi..) economics. haha. its not unrealistic. its realistic and attainable, but i need to focus.
foucs .. yes.. mum reminded me about zhi wei, that is really focused on his studies, and did juz that. i am gg to be focused too. to build my career. i need a strong foundation in the fundamentals of the biz world, the accounting and economics. i will work on it. and i will not stop. education doesn't stop after getting a degree, i will try and get my journalism/mass comm degree after my masters if time and financially permits. cause that has always been the line i will love work in.
so mum's pt is first degree, a more safe bet, the other degree, up to me. ha..
she hopes to shake leg soon..she said jokingly. i aim do well, and let her enjoy life to the fullest soon.
i will start the whole chapter of uni life, with a bang!



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