Today was a good day.
A simple day.
I went for work as usual, and was late (again).. Luckily for me,
my boss haven't really picked on me yet.
I managed to complete whatever i had set out to complete today.
So i guess its good news.
When the clock struck 6pm, my supervisors and colleagues called
me down, and i followed them into this karaoke-pub directly below our
office. So yea.. i was quite suprised there was a pub here..
I guess i wasn't that into drinking and clubbing.
But i guess the guys were worried about me. and i guess this is so
much better than drinking few cans of carlsberg at some beach
near changi village last sat night.. my colleagues are one drinking
and smoking bunch. So far, i only tried out drinking.. so i'm still
really quite new to all these night life.
OH! Talking bout this, i still haven't paid my supervisor the money
for my ex-boss's sending off party. It's like 70bucks. haaa.. drinking
is really quite expensive in singapore. But i guess when i do drink..
its either colleagues are dragging me along, or i am really down.
I made a decision when i was 14 that i will never touch smoking,
drinking.. thats like some nono for me.
Drinking and smoking was something i seriously didn't even consider
picking up. Mainly, it was because my grandfather, he was a nice old
man, died of nose and throat cancer. Not suprisingly, smoking and
drinking are the culprit. These two activities took away someone really
important to me during my growing up days.
Oh wells.. i did drink bit nowadays. It's against my decision. but i guess
i'll alter it abit.. i'll allow myself to drink moderately.
so much about drinking..
she is seriously getting alot of smses from me..
haha.. my colleagues called me e possessive kinda guy. some other called
me too sticky. well they all point towards the same thing.. py is in love!
wahaha.. its crazy.
gotta sms lesser i guess..
i am just taking it one step at a time.
i don't have a good history. btw. (with regards to r/s lovelife)
i'll give it my all though.
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