Yesterday - 16/7/2010
As usual, i went to work and everything.
Start till finish, i was kept busy the whole day. no doubt i had alot of work.
So does everyone. I Love My Work.
It can get alittle overwhelming at times, but as what celeste (my former
supervisor) said, the working environment and people kinda lessen
whatever negative things that comes out of the day-to-day.
After work, we all went to take group picture with Yeow Hwee,
our soon to leave boss. And he was presented a pallette/pweter.
(a metal plate with engravings of our well wishes)
We went to Brewerks after that. That's like the first time i went to such
a place. haa It was really fun! i mean like, u can really let u're hair down.
=D We just kept drinking, eating, talking, laughing, and more drinking.
I was already drunk by the 2nd glass. haa darn weak.. but i didn't notice
the size of the glass, its HUGE. and when terrence (my colleague) went
mabok(drunk in malay i guess).. he came over to force afew more glasses
down me. haa he was one crazy fucker. luckily only yh is around, if not
we will really get it next week. haha.. oh and i was one crazy fella also.
I wasn't walking straight la, and i still asked to walk hl home. haa..
luckily she was in the right state of mind to tell me to go home.
Thanks hl. and sorry too!
So much for the drinking and tonight..
I guess my reaction to this is the same as i always conduct myself..
Give it my best shot, and hope for the best.
I'll just keep working hard and smart under the new boss and Fatimah(VP-Finance)
As i will be directly under her supervision.. the idea of that kinda strike
some fear into me.. cause she really speak LOUDER and faster than
normal ppl.. i'll try to get used to her.
I'm still quite giddy now.. and its like 520am in singapore now.. haa
Gotta go back to rest now..
seeing hl today and going to school too! Man thinking of that makes
my day already!
All my cousins are also meeting up today 2pm to discuss grandma's
birthday! haa.. jia you! will send you the ideas i have after this.
To all: Classmates, Colleagues, friends ~ Have a lepak weekend!! =D
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