Great Sat!!

The stage of the event! And the Vip's taking photographs.

Trainer posing with the exhibits and merchandises made by Sundac Clients!

The board of pictures.. Look Closer........

Yes!! I saw Lyon And Jing Huan!!

Another pic of them during the Chinese new year party!!

That's Chong Siang!! Lyon's Boyfriend!! haha.. =D

The Merchandise on sale!!
Today's a good Saturday fer me =D
Morning went to Sundac Bedok South, formally called Sundac Chai Chee.
Cause they moved house, and so yes, today's the opening ceremony for their
new centre =D
I woke up late, so yea.. haha..
reached there at 1130am. The ceremony is from 10am to 12pm. So yea.....
i was terribly late.. haha..
but still, i made it a point to talk to everyone i know and miss!!
John, Christina, Mohammed, Mdm Tham, Shannon, etc etc!!
haha.. And yes.. went there felt guilt =X cause i merely went there,
mingle bit, and ate so much food for lunch. Shannon told me my job
today is to finish all the food, and i was like feeling even worse.. and
yes.. me being me.. (always like to find things to do> ) went to help
carry some chairs la.. serve ppl bit with food.. haha.. at least i left the
place with some photos =DD
here goes!!
Things that well happened kinda hilariously today!!
Coming at no.1 ~ Well, me and my classmate Miao Xian went to do sth real
crazy.. haha.. there was some event at the foyer and we see, yes, alot alot alot
of food! so we went to sup!! haha.. went down acting like blur cocks, and then
started to take food.. haha.. it was so fun la.. haha.. actually took alot for my
classmates, but they didn't want to eat it in the end.. eeeyeerrrr.. haha..
y they liddat one ar? so paiseh! haha..
We had a great time!! ha
Coming next, at No.2~ i fell during work!!
Well basically when i am working, i am always walking about, real quickly, all
serious and motivated! haha.. Am working as a waiter at Bukit Panjang Plaza
Cafe Cartel. So after i heard the need this particular customer, i went turned
around and started to brisk towards the cashier. Boom! i heard my sneakers
sneakzzs and suddenly felt myself going down to the floor side ways.. haha..
yes, i hit the floor!!! Hurray!! haha.. my first fall of my work. haha.. Got
up straight away, cause its a reflex for me. ha.. And yea.. wasn't hurt. Though
the customer was v nice.. kept asking whether i am alright =)
Coming last, at No.3~ I was walking home from work, and i saw two sports car
parked side by side. Then one of them started her engine. VooOOOoommm..
so loud.. instantaneously got my attention and the whole neighbourhood's attention!
why? cause the sports car by the side, alarm went off!! hahaha.. so farny..
first time i see such a "Powerful" start of an engine, it even caused the other car
to think that there is a break in!! haha.. i laughed all the way..
Alright.. coming to this last part of the blog.
haha.. i know i am worrying alot of people this past week or two.
but i am okay already. School has been tough for me, cause i am trying to again
adjust back to school life after i have put so much of my heart in other things.
It is a matter of balancing my life back again, heavier towards my studies.
haha =D Jia You peng yong! Jia you Lyon!
I read ur blog daughter, kinda like struggling yourself too =X
but daddy is alright, and i think u have already thought it through.
I am not going to impose my thoughts on you.
So yea, i believe u, 100% and alot alot more.
Jia you!
Anything u need my help in, just ring me up,
cause i read ur blog like on this past fri, u were really tired and carried
alot of heavy stuff? I am a chu ren(Barbaric??hmm.. rough guy) i can try my
best to share my experiences and thoughts, but they might not be the best..
but i do know i have an inexhaustable energy level. Strong and all (physically),
so u this past friday, could have got me to help =DD
Yea, dun paiseh la!
haha.. i already volunteering alr.
i'm working whole day tml!!
so happy man, i love my job there! ha..
Thank you for ur tag daughter =D Thanks for the pat, it helped alot!
just a music video to share with u b4 i go rest!! haha.
If u guys know gto, u guys will know this song!! haha..
Its such a good song la, i gotta admit i dun understand
even one verse of it. But i can feel his enthusiasm for
life and his style of teaching!! haha..
Smile =D
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