They say President Wilson has blundered. Perhaps he has, but I notice he usually blunders forward. ~Thomas Edison
In my opinion, the difference between an argument and a discussion is
pretty much nothing. Okay, maybe if i look deeper into the intensity,
argument may seem more like a heated discussion, while a discussion
is a sharing of ideas and thoughts, and hoping to come out with a
solution for a problem. Ie. My boss always tell me to go to his desk for
a discussion.
BUT, what i hate is, when i am trying to discuss something with someone,
and that somebody just do not want to listen to whatever i am saying.
He/she will lock on to her own thoughts and beliefs, and nomatter what
i say, he/she just doesn't want to place their chips on the table, for a
Discussion. What is there to discuss when we're lock in this position?
Indeed, that sounds more like a debate, where one has to defend
his point of view, but if he/she hugs onto the idea and just forbids any
constructive discussion, why are we wasting time giving him/her some
advise? Its illogical. The only logical resultant of this = wasted time.
Sometimes when someone fail, as a third person looking at him, i will have
a pronation that he suck in what he is doing/he is unlucky.
But is it all negative when one fails? Well.. it does brings with many
emotional and even sometimes physically injuries. At other times it might
mean ie. lost of friendship and monetary loss and most probably regret.
But isn't that as far as the word fail brings u?
Well it's a choice. To tell yourself, this is as far as you will want to escort
fail to. Or. You can remain status quo.
I have my fair share of failures. And i dread them, make no mistake about
it. I am still a human, filled with abundance of interlinked feelings.
But i never chose to(or at least for now) 'escort' the failure no further than
it affects my life. I am clear on this. And i believe the first ingredients to
'regain conciousness' is simply to tell yourself to.
As simple as it may sound, i believe that the changing of attitude is as simple
as the what i always do: "Close my eyes, relax my soul, take a deep breath in,
and out, think of 'what is' and then 'what i want and will be', breathe out and
with a jolt of positive energy, snap my fingers as enthusiastic as i could. Ta da!
I said." Well.. it's as simple as what i had said. A 1minutes ritual. Everyone
has rituals that they practise, knowingly/subconciously, when they are doing
something. And i believe that is very important for spiritual growth and
Sure, you must be thinking why i am typing this blog entry. Haa..
Life's been great ever since The last week of December.
YLF Outings are like so happening! 3 meetings in the span of 1to2weeks..
Mini class outings with my uni mates.. Time spent with parents..
BBall sessions with friends.. Time lying on my sofa bed, thinking~dozing off~
thinking~ps3~dreaming.. It's splendid. Peaceful period. =)
Haa.. but there are certain moments when i needed to evaluate myself. and
the above blog entry are some of the results out of my thoughts and experience.
Today is a Sunday and i am at home. Not going out =D
Gotta finish my write up/proposal for the social work club.
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