Its a new month!! Happy Teacher's Day!! =D
Hey!! Thank you for all the tags!! I WILL LIKE TO EXTEND MY HEARTFELTTHANKS TO ALL OF YA!! =D
Oh yes, here u go Bro(Jun Yang!) haha.. i haven't been posting, cause i'm part
busy with school work and revisions, part-time work and volunteer work..
and part caused by my laziness.. haha.. everyone knows i am always late and
lazy and stuff.. haha.. =P
Today i was especially happy! =D
This past day was the last day of COMEX'08!! haha..
And this 3 days was a spree for me? haha..
I basically bought a LCD tv on the cheap($299) yesterday, bought a printer/fax
machine to replace my 'kong ka kiao' printer($268) and bought something that is
really special to me!($66.90) =D
haha.. i didn't foot everything of cause, just about half of it. my Dad and Mum were
kind enough to foot some of the bill.
The special thing that i bought for myself? haha.. Its the PS3 game, "Metal Gear Solid
4! " haha!! Its one of those games that u gotta wait for like 2-3 years. then u might
get hold of it? Its the fourth installment, and the last one, i expect it to be the greatest
of the legacy. (partly cause it costs a bomb..) haha.. Every episode was filled with so much
twist in the story line that i get so super hooked on it. Just simply love his games =D
This time it will be even better, i have put my money on it!! =DD
~Later i'll have some photos to go along with this post.
These few days i have been.. well.. mugging like mad?!
haha.. i knew i didn't do well in my mid semester exams.
Although my self-defense mechanism starts to kick in now..
wanted to say .. cause i put too much time on insurance and now i have quit and i lost
so much precious time? cause i work too much? cause i train too much for my marathon
and taekwondo till i am so tired whenever i get home, which induces sleep and less work?
cause i am just a loser..? maybe i am putting too much time into thinking of how to impress
the girl i like and i dun think i have did a good job AT ALL.. **
haha.. i can just start blaming the gods all the way to hell..
but i decided to take responsibility.
Ha.. thats why i have started to mug. And am truly wanting to do well.
Oh ya oh ya! U know that day in campus, there was a RMIT Graduation/conferment
ceremony! haha.. so many ''Shi Fang Mao", happy faces and proud parents!
I Seriously wanna get there asap! I told Weida.
I was flipping through the ceremony's booklet on the table and i saw 3 special awards
given out by ACCA, CPA Australia and RMIT herself!! Those 3 awards are awarded to
the best student in the whole accountantcy programme! I wanna be one of the 3!
Its great that i at last got a concrete goal/mission to accompany my burning desire
to get a degree with distinction. "Wo Qiu Zhi Bu Der!!"
Oh ya, i also went for the 21km, Safra Army Half Marathon/ Singapore Bay Run last
Sunday!! =D
I think i did well. I managed to conquer my leg injury. I haven't recovered fully from
my injury(Called "ITB bend".. Basically an inflamation of the ligament at my knee area.)
and i estimated my self to last 30+ mins before i need to start walking. Hahaha..
I managed to run 1hr20mins before the pain really kicked in. It was painful from
that point on, by i just kept up the pressure. When the pain is beyond explanation, i'll
walk for a while, then start running for another 2-3km, walk, then run again!
The last 2 km was the best! =D I saw that freaking 20km mark and i basically sprinted.
What pain, i don't feel anything, i think due to my anxiety of finishing the race and
the cheers of the crowds at the finish line. Yes! I'm one step closer to completing a
full marathon, that is happening this December's first week's Sunday! =D
Jia you!! (TO those running the Standard Chartered Marathon this December =D)
Here are the photos i promised!

I'm not going to stop, i've decided to keep going and
going.. i dunno the result, how its gg to turn out, but
i've decided, will work hard in my studies, my volunteer pursuits
my taekwondo pursuits and ,hopefully, in my love life.
Oh ya, i've been using this quote after all my emails i send out. haha..
I Actually copied it from Siew Mui, SVC president. haha..
Peng Yong
"never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed it is the only thing that ever has." margaret mead.
going.. i dunno the result, how its gg to turn out, but
i've decided, will work hard in my studies, my volunteer pursuits
my taekwondo pursuits and ,hopefully, in my love life.
Oh ya, i've been using this quote after all my emails i send out. haha..
I Actually copied it from Siew Mui, SVC president. haha..
Peng Yong
"never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed it is the only thing that ever has." margaret mead.
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