It's approaching dusk and sunday is coming to an end.
back to work tomorrow. I don't dread work, but i just felt
i haven't really done all that i could do for this weekend.
Haha.. this always happens and it ain't good i guess.
Oh well, i think i will start to do some clearing up of my
messy table and return it to my pre-exam condition. =)
my blog has become more of a dumping ground of what i
didn't want others to know about me. Perceive is the name
of the game. And everyone is presenting themselves the
way they want others to perceive them. yes, i am no exception.
Oh the sky is turning purple, so nice.. soon it will blue and
then black.
I really do not know? what is in it for me and what i can do?
and worse, i do not know what i should feel.
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