gg back to camp..again

like it or not, good things are coming to an end.. haha.. at least for now.
going to book in in another 1:30hrs time.. i won't say its a sad thing, because i have
never dread to go to camp. it was always more of a new adventure than torture.
more of a self discovery experience than a life changing plague. i think my personal feelings
about serving the nation and being in commando's is abit different from many others.
the sir's are trying their best to make me do well for As.. and get as many As as possible.
i am really grateful of them. i really owe it to them. tml i will know my schedule for the time
that i will be given time to study. i hope the schedule will be demanding. and will squeeze me
dry, that is becasue i cannot study alone. i feel that i pressure to make me do well.. that is
something i always neglected, or should i say, nt acknowledged.. but i have come to
understand that i need this kinda external pressure so as to work hard in sth i really want.
(even for things that i really want)
warrant yuen always put it this way," it was never meant to be easy, it was meant to be
challenging,it is up to you to see it in a more positive way, and also try to get the best out
of it." haha.. super miliary rite, the tone.. i taste helplessness..yet with bit of hope and
enthusiam.. and like wat i always said,"things will only get better." trust me. whoever it is
out there. things will only get better for me. i won't doubt myself like i always did all the time.
i have missed alot of opportunities in my life thus far. there is no reason to miss even more
chances. so who cares, the past is the past, the present and future is wat i can look forward to!
today marks the 2nd(possible) nuclear test by pyongyang.. jia lat la.. i got a really bad feeling
about this. hope nothing really big happens, and hope pyongyang will not try to use it on other
country. orelse, inevitably, a full scale war is going to start, but this time it will be different,
it is a bio war. many will perish, more than wat anyone can imagined. may god bless us.
peng yong
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