Saturday, October 27, 2007

chocolate buffet

Saturday.. cloudy, bit of drizzle.

WAO! you got to try to know the power of chocolate. ha.. I went to the Fullerton hotel yest with my ns team, haha, for the long awaited chocolate buffet that we were talking about before Thailand till yest. ha.. it wasn't cheap, cost $37 and wasn't exactly that fulling. juz felt like puking after the whole experience. ha..i was again with my money conscious brain.. haha.. i told the guys, if one cake costs about 5 dollars in cafe cartel, if u eat 8, it will be money well spent. haha.. so yea.. i did not juz gobble up 8 cakes, but tried everything they have to offer.. and check out the waitress that is so cute.. ha.. well thats besides the food.. ha.. eh.. the hot chocolate tat the chef made on the spot is great! u get to choose which type of combi u will want.. there are an array of chocolate, varying in bitterness tagged by the percentage beside the choc's name. ha.. i tried the milk(sweeter) chocolate and it is really nice.. and heavenly. heavenly it was, food has to be eaten in moderation. haha.. which i obviously did not adhere to*(trying to get the best deal out of as much as i can). and.. i ended up.. not drunk. but super restless, cause the feeling of puking is always there.. well.. thats the adventure yest. ha..


Monday, October 22, 2007

a talk after another..

a talk.. then came again.. after lunch another.. and when i am gg to rest, came another. they juz don't get it la.. or maybe, its me that don't get it... hmm.. i am refering to the topics on uni courses, future career, and future studies opportunities. these are big qns, big subjects, heavy chapters, to really think about it.. its a real headache, but a really interesting one. cause it opens up new windows, new perspective gained!
the talks of all these all started long ago.. after As.. after i enter ns.. and all my friends did.. and it always comes up. and now, i am staring it right in the face, cause i am gg to ord soon. hmm.. i have made my mind up to work hard, from the beginning in my accountancy degree(sim-rmit), and get the necessary work exp in my 2nd and 3rd year and the year after to attain my cpa aust. after that, i wanna get my masters, teach in poly part-time(or somewhere else) and also work full time in a company(haven't really set my sights on any yet..will do when i start studying)and save up for my phd in i hope(phor bi..) economics. haha. its not unrealistic. its realistic and attainable, but i need to focus.
foucs .. yes.. mum reminded me about zhi wei, that is really focused on his studies, and did juz that. i am gg to be focused too. to build my career. i need a strong foundation in the fundamentals of the biz world, the accounting and economics. i will work on it. and i will not stop. education doesn't stop after getting a degree, i will try and get my journalism/mass comm degree after my masters if time and financially permits. cause that has always been the line i will love work in.
so mum's pt is first degree, a more safe bet, the other degree, up to me. ha..
she hopes to shake leg soon..she said jokingly. i aim do well, and let her enjoy life to the fullest soon.
i will start the whole chapter of uni life, with a bang!


Saturday, October 20, 2007

cheekian n me!

cheekian n me!
Originally uploaded by ongpengyong
those were the days in thailand.. ha.. in the cook house, for a person that loves to eat and eats a substantial amount most of the time, it is a great "food hub" to me, that area.. cause on the left, there is the cookhouse, on the right, there is the canteen, man.. don't u love life there at camp.. i mean, only when u are in the camp.okok.. =D