I have been blogging almost everyday these days?
haa.. i think it is a good habit. I am quite lazy to pick up my pen
to write on my diary ever since chinese new year. Don't ask me
why. Noting down a small part of my history and feelings on this
blog is wonderful. I feel very blessed. It helps to keep me in
perspective too. And its also an outlet for me.
To have people everywhere blessing me and being there for me.
I feel very fortunate and lucky.
I think i have been very greedy as of late.
Friends are friends.. sometimes i depend too much on them and
make them feel so drained. And i just felt really bad when my stupid
brain realises it, by then the damage is already done.
Sometimes i think too much.. when a female friend is treating me
better. Because i partly i have been treating her better. this 'thinking
too much' makes me believe that we could actually become a couple,
a pair one day soon. SO.. i just kept trying to make sure that that
happens.. doing all the stupid things.. and yes.. damage was also
done.. AND worse.. i might lose a friend. This is a sickening feeling.
There's a history behind.. because i am just not that kinda guy
that has alot alot of stamina, although i try to think i have...
i don't have alot of stamina to go through merry go round courtship.
So i get frustrated and stuff.. sad and grieves.. what the fuck lor..
I don't want to be greedy anymore. I'll trust in god, have faith and
trust that he has already prepared a loveship that is for me.
In god i trust.
Yes.. i am always stuck with all these infactuation stuff..
And i don't blame anyone for that. I guess i need to just be clear from
now on, what is infactuation, and what is true love. Because i tend
to treat everything as love. haha.. yes i am dumb and stupid.
These are my weakness. Please strike me down if u are my enemy,
and heal me if you are not my enemy. God bless.
Today was fun! haa.. after work i met up with everyone for dinner
at a chinese restaurant at suntec (tang dian wang). It was a good
dinner because i had alot! haa.. and the bday girl, kelly was as usual
so pretty, mx as usual v hyper and happy =D I hope you two, and
everyone present enjoy urself! Thanks to jiayi for the photos.
What a big camera! haa looks so cooL!
After dinner kelly jiayi zhong ren went off.
Then we went to arcade and we played those stuff toys catching machine
haa! I was so addictive.. we actually spent $8 each (adam daniel me). haa
We just kept playing turn by turn. haa.. and when we are going off, the
staff was v nice to give us one of the stuff toys ha... coz we spent like $24
on it.. haa YES I KNOW> we didn't catch it on merit. haa but we tried
yea! haa..
So yea.. the pink winnie the pooh is a welcome gift! haa
THANK YOU DANIEL AND ADAM!! they gave me the stuff toy! haa..
Jiayun got 1 30% test/exam tmr.. JIAYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do well yea!!!!!!!
I'll pray for a miracle!!
Tomorrow is also Vesak day in Singapore. So yea! haa.. good day!
No work! haaa
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